Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bulky Bootie Slippers

Needle and yarn
US 11 / 8.0 mm
0.73 skeins = 138.7 yards (126.8m)
0.75 skeins = 138.8 yards (126.9m)
Blue green boucle/370

I only used the homespun yarn because it was in my stash (and had to use it or throw it away). You can use any bulky yarn you have in place of homespun. I added the Brown Sheep to fortify the homespun and so I could slightly felt the slipper as the homespun tends to grow with wearing!

Start with toe up cast on. Here’s my favorite method, but you can use your own:

With strand of each yarn held together, cast on 12 sts

First row: ** k1, sl1; repeat from ** to last st

Second row: ** k1, sl1; repeat from ** to last st
(you are knitting the slipped sts and slipping the knit sts from the first row)

To start toe up: using two dpn, slip the first st to one needle, then next st to second needle, continue until you have slipped all sts alternately between the two needles. You will now have the start of a toe up (with no need to seam!)

You can either use the magic loop method, or add one more dpn to start knitting in the round.

First increase round: K1, yo, knit to before last st on needle, yo, k1.

Repeat for 2nd needle. You now have increased 2 sts on each needle. (You can add a third needle if you are using dpn your increases will be at beginning and end of 1st needle, then beginning of 2nd needle and end of 3rd needle)

Next round: Knit all sts (note: knit into back of yo to “lock in” the stitch so there are no holes).

Keep working increases until you have 28 sts total.

Knit around until you reach desired length to instep (you can try on as you knit)

Next, work stockinette back and forth on 16 sts (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) until you reach just before your ankle bone.

Complete short row heel.

Pick up 8 sts on side, then knit across instep sts and pick up 8 sts on opposite side. Knit across 15 heel sts, k2tog, knit to 1 stitch before instep ssk.

Turn and purl back 21 sts, p2tog, purl to 1 stitch before instep, ssk and turn, knit back to just before heel sts and k2tog.

Repeat above one more time.

Next row: knit back to 1 stitch before instep, ssk and turn, knit back to 1 stitch before instep ssk (this makes the ridge on side of slipper).

Continue until only 2 sts from instep remain then k2tog (instep sts).

Bind off and sew up. You can throw them in the wash to slightly felt for a tighter fit.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ravelympics 2010

The Olympics are over, and so are the 2010 Ravelympics. I found these two patterns on Ravelry, so just had to challenge myself to complete them before the end of the Olympics. It was a lot of fun, and the motivation was there because I had the deadline -- works like a charm for those of us who procrastinate!